Saskia Hölbling / DANS.KIAS "Corpus suspendus" © DANS.KIAS

Saskia Hölbling / DANS.KIAS

Corps suspendus

A mesh of robes stretches between the cast-iron columns of the historical venue. This network builds the frame and base for a “world machine”, what the Viennese Saskia Hölbling likes to call her choreography for four performers. The dancers meet the spacial installation by Gudrun Lenk-Wane with utmost dexterity while manoeuvring themselves through the tricky terrain. In the group’s cohesion and drifting apart powers emerge which, changing between intimacy and threat, keep the image of “the other” in constant movement. Accompanied by a great soundscape, composed by Wolfgang Mitterer, this dynamic is always moving on the verge of collapse.

Duration: 60 min
Dates: 3–8 March 2017
Venue: Atelierhaus der Akademie d. bildenden Künste Wien

Directing, choreography: Saskia Hölbling
Dance, choreography: Anna Hein, Ardan Hussain, Jan Jakubal, Leonie Wahl
Music, composition: Wolfgang Mitterer
Music assistence: Moritz Cizek
Costume, stage: Gudrun Lenk-Wane,
Light: Gerald Pappenberger
Management: Simon Hajós

A DANS.KIAS production supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna (Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien) and the Chancellor's Office for Art and Culture (Bundeskanzleramt für Kunst und Kultur), in cooperation with ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien).


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